Light Language & Self Expression
Course 1 & 2
This course, is not only for those who already communicate in Light Language and those who have a desire to do so; Although it is likely that the course will activate some aspect of your inherent LL communications, this journey is about so much more…
Private Sessions
Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP is a method for discovering your deepest desires and wants, as well as subconscious beliefs around self- identity. A programmer works with a client to get to the underlying subconscious beliefs that are causing limitations in your life and then helps you to incorporate them in a revised manner, which allows you more freedom and choice in having the life that you want.
Light Language
Light Languages are multidimensional communications that are understood by each person on a soul level.
They resonate with each person’s needs in the moment to create vibrational shifts that are helpful for clearing, completing, balancing, activating and aligning with a sense of self-empowerment and wellness.